Monday, January 17, 2011

Salty Dogs: Vol I

Recently my husband has DM'ed his first 4th Ed. campaign with a couple of friends of ours. We're the Salty Dogs, or so the Dwarf decided without our consent when our characters first woke up.
It's been fun. We had a Castle Crashers-esque beginning running from a flaming dragon while water was washing through the Dwarven tunnels like giant stone plumbing.
My character attacked the cliff wall to try and slow the fall when they all got swept off the side of a cliff face. We saved an outlaw before we knew there was a law. Got attacked by birds. The Druid did it's creepy swarm thing. Ignite Blue! The Bard gave a rousing binary version of cutting words in a mechanic's riddle infested lab gone ammuck. The Druid died and turned into mulch, Clip and Clop got left behind with the war forged as the Bard and the Fighter escaped on a huge rocket powered version of Cloud's motorcycle from advent children.
Now we're trapped in a disease infested place very aptly named Dead's End. This slow experience, trying to get difficult, western type, strong silents to give us clues on how to get the 'sam hill' out of there isn't my Fighter's forte. Her Int is -1 and she's more of a 'beat you now, tell me later' kind of girl. The Bard isn't having much luck either, and pissed off one of the more forthcoming characters, even with a 35 on words of friendship. lol
((It's at about this point that my friends and others not really into the D&D universe become very confused.))

With as fun (or unfun as the desert bleh of a town has been) as this is I'm going to start another D20 system.
World of Darkness.
Shaun, Sparky!!!!, sat down with me and Jex last night and gave us a once over of the character sheet and basic principals.
Seems to me that World of Darkness is going to be more RP than Battle based. I don't foresee much in the way of what some would call a 'dungeon crawl'. So it's going to be a nifty new experience once the well spoken of Eric comes to grace Texas with his presence.
I'm going to be a WereWolf!

Oh and my husband has been toying around with the idea of me starting to DM a campaign maybe with the two of us or him and my Brother-in-law. I'm nervous about that.

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