Friday, June 3, 2011

Remelema ding dong

To torture our Characters I tossed them into the kind of the plot that means a lot of running back and forth to get the job done. Most places they had to visit made them come back... one place was full of screaming fan boys and girls that swarmed the Githzerai and Dragonborn in our party. There was an entire Drow Village under the city that was their goal... you know little things. (I loved seeing the look on Will and Jex's face when they saw the picture I drew of the drow village. The look of 'OH NOES!' after the 'oh yeahs'*koolaide man style of course* that the secret tunnel had brought on was definitely giggleworthy)

I tried to incorporate a lot of elements that we haven't had a lot of in role playing thus far. Notes and letters could be found if the bodies of the baddies got searched. One of them had to be decoded. There were little keys that interactions with the NPC's would give away for special items like shiny magic armor.

I even set up some stuff so that the characters didn't have to fight some of the bad guys and could actually win them to their side. (they kinda won over the giant lighting snake, Naga for the veteran players, to their side and got some information that they otherwise wouldn't have)

I feel good about the traps they had to disarm; who doesn't love flying pendulums of death? About the river they had to cross and the cliff they had to climb.

The NPC's created themselves nicely. Ebon the half drow informant of the iron unicorns and her whimsical attitude and love of drama. Lyria the all business, sweet, librarian with a backbone. Irkim my drow paladin (yeah you heard right). The emo Wizard prodigy that never got a name but has enough personality to feel 'real'.

Yup I feel really good about how it all turned out. Will and Jex said it felt like they were really adventuring, not just running around smashing faces and finding random loot.

I gotta love Verdant and his Thievery check mojo. "I see the pattern!" "This picture looks like Arathorn's face!" "I like blue... it has to be the blue button." And did I mention that Verdant's lilt of tone turns into a big black lady at a pentecostal type service? Oh yes. Oh lordy. Oh dear someone is going to kill me for this comment, but it's true! XD! And funny.

So yeah, my chapter turned out pretty well. Some time soon I'll be posting a new comic and a filler pic I finished coloring today. (Microsoft Paint is the devil!)

Till the next time.

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