Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Fighter

It was hot. No... maybe it was cold. The amazon of a woman shook out her right hand and gripped the shield tighter with the three hale fingers on that hand. Didn't matter anyways, she'd lug her scale mail ass up whatever mountain she had to in order to bring the weird druid back to life.
The bard made of crystal hummed a jaunty tune to himself as they continued their trek and the halfling could barely be seen flitting from shadow to shadow; like a mouse evading the hawks that whirled lazily overhead. Damn birds. She hated birds. Standing regally on a boulder she shook her mean looking spear at the oblivious creatures. "And stay up there you feather brained cowards!!!"
The bard chuckled. "I don't think we have to worry about them Mara." He said with a more orangish glow that usual lighting up the blue of his crystal limbs. One hand held up the tattered end of a purple sash.
Brown eyes regarded him for a moment, the odd flecks of living sparks that winked in and out of existance in her irises as she thought over something. "We need to find this King and a map. He can't be king of the world."
The halfling shouted down that they were being too freaking slow.
Mara held her spear in the crook of her arm and retied her chestnut brown braid into a bun above a sun browned neck. "Yeah yeah, we're coming. First things first and all that crap."
"Don't worry, we'll get to the bottom of this." Arrd said winningly.
Mara tried to smile, but it looked like more of a snarl. "Good. Because I'm not serving no stupid make believe king. Damned purple sash crap, stupid gnome cities, stupid no Wage..." The mumbles continued as the woman clicked and clanked after the energetic Halfling.

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